Tag: compost

Building a Compost Bin

This post will give instructions for building a compost bin, and for what to put in your compost bin. Compost is the best method of fertilizing your garden, and you can create your own compost with materials you might otherwise have sent to the dump. For more on fertilizing your plants, check out my related […]

Fertilize Your Plants

With the cooling of temperatures, fall is a great time to fertilize your plants.  But all fertilizers are not created equal, and you only need to put on your plants what they need.  The next three posts will cover the basics of fertilizing.  The first will address the underlying concepts you need to know about […]

Build a Better Soil

The Real Dirt on Dirt Dirt is so undervalued!  We hate dirt in so many senses – dirt on our clothes, dirt under our fingernails, dirt on the kitchen floor.  When we think of dirt, our first reaction is probably, ick, I’ve got to get this off of me as quick as I can.  We […]